Wednesday 4 July 2012

Torch Comes to Foxton

The torch arrived held high by  Robert Gomez
On the July the second the Olympic Torch came to Foxton, it  was wet, a wild and windy day but we still had a large number of people who came to see it, from as far away as Derby. The torch arrived held high by  Robert Gomez who ran to the upper  middle lock of the 10 lock flight and boarded historic narrowboat Swift where the torches 'kissed' and David Willson took over. the crowd who had waited for as long as two hours to see it in the terrible weather all cheered and waved as the boat descended until only the flame could be seen. David ducked to get under the bridge as the boat sailed across the passing pond and into the next lock where it was met by Tony Hales the Chairman of The newly formed Canal And River Trust. The ownership of the canals had changed at midnight from British Waterways, to the new charity C&RT. the torch then moved on by land to go to Foxton village and then to Leicester. 

David Willson ducks under the bridge as they leave the lock

Tony Hales the Chairman of The newly formed Canal And River Trust greets  Robert Gomez and the Torch

For More info go to
This is a first for Foxton that all of those present will never forget. the large amount of security men and policemen took a back seat as volunteers from C&RT and Foxton Inclined Plane Trust helped with the cheerful crowds.  

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