Saturday 28 July 2012

Acredited Museum

We have just heard that Foxton Canal museum is now officially an accredited museum with the Arts Council. The accreditation scheme ensures that museums work to high standards and can be relied upon to take care of artefacts archives and information are cared for and properly documented. Foxton is a volunteer run museum, but it complies to the latest museum standards in the same way that national museums operate.

We are very pleased to have past  this test and proud of the achievements of our volunteers and staff.  particularly pleased that the arts council accreditation committee told us that they were very impressed by the high standard of our application.

Foxton Inclined Plane Trust, the owner of the Museum is keen to keep the standards high, and the museum is a big help in informing the public about the boat lift which the trust wish to see restored, and it is vital to research the lifts history.

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