Wednesday 20 August 2014

Autumn News

Teddy Bears Picnic 

This weekend we have the last event of the month. We are being invaded by Teddy Bears! Its good fun, we have been looking forward to this one. If you visit please bring your Bear or similar being.  If you have children with you and their bears, there are some great special offers. A free Ice Cream from the Top Lock Coffee Stop,  Free Boat Trip from Foxton Boat Services (Conditions apply) and a Teddy Trail from the Museum. If children follow the trail and solve the clues they will win a small surprise!
We will also have some music at various times during the weekend and some craft and bric-a-brac stalls, your chance to pick up a bargain!

Successful Summer 

It is hard to believe that the Summer is nearly over, so much has happened this year. Our festival really was the best we have ever held with music, boats, and historic vehicles and lots of fun. Run entirely by our volunteers the event raised over £14,000 to be spent on new projects at Foxton.

Our Junior Lock Keeper events went really well with children being 'trained' to do the job.

Our waterway the Old Grand Union Canal celebrated its Bicentenary with several events an on the 9th of August we cruised from An Event at Crick to Foxton and down the locks with a boat load of VIPs.

Great News

We have been awarded a grant From Arts Council UK giving us of £190,000 to spend on site interpretation, renovating the museum and starting to produce a digital model of the lift. Watch this space!

to keep up with the latest news please visit our Facebook page.  

Please help us by joining the Trust, from only £9.00 per year you get free entry to the museum, free entry to events like the festival, a quarterly news letter and a vote at our AGM. 

Please contact us on 0116 2792 657 or at